Kirit Mistry
Local BME FacilitatorKirit is currently working freelance with Derby Hospitals Organ Donation Committee to raise awareness of organ donation in Derby Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities.
Kirit is a Risk Assessor and BME Community Champion for Diabetes UK and Community Champion for Kidney Research UK. Kirit has been awarded by Diabetes UK in their 2013 Inspire Awards the Raising Awareness Award for work in South Asian Communities as part of the Celebrating Excellence in Volunteering.
Kirit is a currently board member for Voice 4 Change England a national voice for BME voluntary and community organisations.
Kirit has worked as the Executive Director of Derby Racial Equality Council providing services towards the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of equality of opportunity and in his role chaired and was founder of Derby Community Health Equality Panel to assess NHS Trusts in Derbyshire on their Equality Delivery System, Derby BME Network and now has developed Derby Diverse Patients and Communities Health Network to empower diverse patients to get equitable services.
Kirit has developed the first UK BAME community first responder scheme in Leicester city and is working with East Midlands Ambulance Service to develop other schemes in Derby and Nottingham.
Kirit worked on the Department of Health Race Equality in Mental Health Action Plan , also worked nationally on the government Drug and alcohol action plan to ensure equitable delivery.
Kirit is very committed to addressing inequality issues on a local, regional, national, European and international level.