Mohamed Busairu


For many years, I have served in various capacities in BME networks in National Health Service – in two PCTs and in the Committee of the South East Coast BME Network. Over the years, I have been a member of Equality and Diversity Forum, Vice Chairman and Chairman of PCT and Community Services BME Networks.

I am currently the Treasurer of the NHS BME Network; before that I held a similar position in the South East Coast.

My service in the NHS spans a period of about twenty years, with experience from positions in NHS Trusts, Primary care Trust and Strategic Health Authority.

I am now retired. At the time of retirement I was Deputy Director of Finance with responsibility for the Community Services of West Kent PCT.

I have a passion for fairness and equality, and for diversity and mutual appreciation of the being of all humankind. That is what has given me continued inspiration to be part of the NHS BME Network, and other diverse organisation that seek to strive for, amongst other things, the enhancement of black and minority ethnic peoples in the work place and in society at large.

As a Committee member of the NHS BME Network, I have enjoyed being part of a body that has brought the BME agenda to a height of recognition in the national landscape of the NHS.